

How to give a gentle hug to an elderly person with mobility difficulties?

In recent years, the living conditions and problems of the disabled or the elderly have been exposed to the public as never before.

The elderly with disabilities at home can only rely on their families' bare hands for care, transfer them from here to there, there to here. High physical exertion, over a long period of time, the nursing family member will strain the lumbar muscles and damage the disc so that they can't hold on, but they are no choice.

And fatigue care is likely to cause falls, tumbles, and other secondary injuries.

Staying in bed for a long time and can't go out in the sunshine, make the elderly physical functions gradually decline; Also being in bed for a long time, and lacking of interpersonal communication, make the whole person look lifeless.

Disabled, semi-disabled elderly, if no specially-assigned person to take care of them elaborately, fall, and tumble happen occasionally causing many irreversible physical injuries and even death;  

If hurt, it is difficult for one person to lift an elderly disabled person back onto a chair or bed without a few people to do the lifting.

The elderly was bedridden for a long time, Clean up their urine and feces, taking a bath, putting on clean clothes, making and washing the bed, skin care, regular turning massage, etc caused the caregivers overwhelmed, coupled with the shortage of professional nursing workers, the ratio of nursing workers to the elderly is seriously unbalanced. So these are easy and simple things for ordinary people, but for the disabled elderly is, especially luxury. If not timely care, can lead to serious pressure sores, bedsores, pendant pneumonia, venous thrombosis, and other irreversible physical harm.

So what can be done to change that? 

How can we provide a comfortable transfer lifting method for the elderly? 

How can we make nursing staff relieve the pressure of transfer lifting the elderly? 

ZuoweiTech to launch the multifunctional transfer lift chair can solve this series of problems for you. Let the elderly like ordinary people can carry out basic life activities at the help of the caregivers, can move indoors, dining table, at a normal toilet, regular bathing, and short outdoor activities.

Multifunctional transfer lift chair makes moving the elderly easy and safe, effectively assists caregivers to care for the elderly with mobility difficulties, greatly reduces the physical consumption and mental burden of nursing staff; Effectively protects the mobility of the elderly in different positions (sofa, bed, toilet, etc.) between the safe transfer, effectively expand the range of activities of the elderly with limited mobility; It has greatly improved the quality of life of caregivers and the elderly in care.

French sociologist Comte once said: “population is the destiny of a country.” 

The problem of long - term nursing for disabled and semi-disabled people is a complex system engineering. We need to have a long-term commitment to change.

The paralyzed people becomes relaxed with the help of the transfer lift chair, so that the disabled people really improve the quality of life, no longer "imprisoned" in bed.

ZuoweiTech use the power of science and technology to provide high-quality nursing services for the disabled people. To make the lives of disabled and semi-disabled people more dignified, at the same time, reduce the intensity of nursing work for nursing staff and their families, contribute to the old-age care cause of the country.

Post time: Jun-16-2023